International Six-Days Trial
Prova Internazionale di 6 giorni
It is difficult to date the birth of the use of the motorbikes
in cross-country because at the beginning of the century,
i.e. when the use of the motorcycle began to expand itself
all around Europe, the roads were all levelled.
In this age the border between the road and
the cross-country was weak and uncertain.
The dates of the first Reliability competitions are relatively sure,
they have been organized in England and France
since the first years of the twentieth century and so called
because the winner was not necessarily
the faster driver, but the most regular one.
The first ISDT, International Six-Days Trial,
took place in Carlisle,
in Great Britain exactly, in 1913.
This kind of competitions immediately
collected the interest of the public,
but until 1950, it was marked out by
mostly “street-like” ways,
even if considering
their very bad conditions.
The choice of this kind of distances
is the fruit of one aware economic and
advertising strategy: already at that time
the great firms proposed standard models,
whose merits and defects were
estimated by a public who used them daily,
whether he liked it or not,
on the same distances of the ISDT.
In the post-war period this sport only started gradually to refine,
to abandon the standard product, in order to be transformed and
to acquire those essential peculiarities and
all those project exasperation, typical of the motor sports.
The street and the off-road motorbikes
began to be more and more different, as well
as the distances, that increased progressively
in difficulty and hardness.
Following up the modifications
occurred in economic and trade flows
that animated and followed the post-war
reconstruction, also the strategies
of the great motorcycle manufacturers
changed and developed.
They began to advertise their trademark,
and all their range of production,
through the competitions and in the same
they invested in studies and searches.
The result of the commitment of several Sport Departments
was expressed in real technological jewels, that increased, even more,
their grip on the public who immediately fell in love with them.
The gold period of the Off-road Reliability
was between 1947 and 1990:
the richest and more fruitful period
involving, for different reasons
but with the same results of work and
participation, also East Europe,
otherwise absent in many other disciplines
combining sport and technology.
While for the industries of the West the agonistic commitment was justified
by a considerable commercial feedback, in East Europe people
devoted to Off-road essentially for strategic-military character reasons.
The results, in terms of commitment,
technology and victories,
are equivalent for many years.
That made comparisons
particularly passionate, and their fruits
are still today present and tangible.